
Thursday, August 14, 2014

35 Weeks

Thirty Five Weeks

This week has been a doozy!  Summer vacation is offocially over, the alarm clock is set to 5:45, and I've been wearing clothes that aren't found in the pajama section of my dresser. I've realized I can't push my body to move as quickly or walk the halls at the high school as long as I did just a few months ago.

Last night I was experiencing intense pain in my pelvic area. Since I was induced with Rylee, I am very unsure of going into labor naturally.  I clearly remember what labor feels when contractions are in full swing but the beginning process is new to me. Ryan and I were starting to think we would be meeting our son sooner then we thought. After a frantic call to our midwife and a warm bath, the pain subsided and I found sleep easily for the first time in weeks. Exhaustion from the long day at work has made sleep actually possible.

My mind often wonders to the future with our family growing to four. Our wedding day still stands fresh in my memories and the smell of Rylee as an infant still lingers. The smell of sawdust from fixing up our first home and arguments over placements of bathroom lights will never be a distant memory. We have faced days of sorrow and joy to build our life. To build our family.  I am looking forward to keep building our life and make memories with Jacob by ourside. 

How far along: thirty five weeks
Weight gain: 16 lbs
Best moment: hearing rylee tell an old lady at target she's having a brother
Movement: jacob is keeping up his constant and intense movements.  I feel every movement and my belly takes on many shapes
Craving: all the foods you stay away from during pregnancy
Looking forward to: holding our little boy for the first time
Labor signs: jacob has dropped and sitting very low.

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