
Monday, August 11, 2014

In The Moment...

...I'm eating a bowl of black cherry ice cream

...I wish my husband home to tuck me into bed (what? Is that not normal?)

...watching the movie My Girl and remember growing up wishing I had a cool name like Vada

...As much as I'm ready to meet Jacob and have body parts return to normal, I'm not ready to let go of my pregnancy.  I love feeling his every movement. I'm not ready to bring him into this scary unpredictable world but to keep him safe in my belly.

...I am so in love with Rylee's obsession for "critter books". I absolutely loved the critter family.  Finding the spider and mouse on each page was a personal challenge as a child. Their simple language is a favorite now as a parent. Rylee loves the New Baby book and insist we read it last.

...I am feeling very blessed to have wonderful coworkers give me a baby shower on our first day back to work. Company was sweet, cake was yummy, and gifts were beyond thoughtful! Had a wonderful day with grownup conversations and not having to remind anyone to use the potty

...I asked Rylee if her brother will born in August or September. 
She said "emptemer"
And which day Rylee? "8"
We'll find out if she is a miss cleo or her favorite number to say is 8

...feeling exhausted and theres actually four parts of the pregnancy journey.  Theres the 1st 2nd and 3rd trimester and the  there's the last month. The. Last. Long. Month. Im a week away from the last month and I can feel the symptoms already. No sleep due to huge belly and constant bathroom runs, wardrobe skrinks to maxi dresses and yoga pants that actually never been to a yoga class, and groaning at the idea of having to bend down to put shoes on or pick up toys. (But refer to above thought, I love do pregnancy)

1 comment:

  1. You need to head to Kohl's, they are selling the little critter stuff animals for a limited time!

    I am missing you... this will be the longest month ever!


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