
Sunday, January 11, 2015


Christmas was very special to me this year. Rylee's heart has been so open to faith and believing in new things. I spent time with her talking about Jesus and the celebration of his birth. She wanted to make Jesus a birthday cake!

Santa was easy for her to understand.

She really enjoyed helping me wrap gifts and took time to find a perfect place to put them under the tree. Her giving heart was shining. 
Christmas eve was spent with Ryan on shift and I took our littles to my aunta house. I have spent so many christmas Eves there and no other place feels like holiday then there.

Christmas morning was beautiful.  I hid Rylee in our room till Ryan came home so we could both see her face when she first laid eyes on what santa left her. She turned the corner of the hallway and was in awe. She told santa, a week before Christmas,  she wanted a pink princess garbage truck! Say what?! Ryan hopped on amazon and found a pink dump truck! I left the truck unwrapped and she yelled "he did it! Santa brought me a pink truck!" Best moment.  It wasn't about the actual gift, but that we gave her something innocent to believe in. It was magical.

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