
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Her first day

Dear Rylee,

Today was your first day of preschool. Your first day of very many into your adventure of being a student. Your first day of life experiences that will not always involve mommy.

Last night we picked out your first day of school outfit, packed your lunch, put your folder in your backpack, and talked about the fun things your will do at school. You were so excited. You told me it will be OK when I started to tear up and that you'll see me after lunch. Your excitement made me so exited for you.

I am proud of you. You are a sassy girl with a strong will. You love sincerely and give from your heart. You care for others and love snuggles. When I dropped you off at school today I couldn't believe how far we've come. You and me. Thinking back to the days as a newborn when all you did was cry and I was trying to hard to figure out how to be your mom. To the toddler days we spent just you and me while daddy was on duty. To each birthday we celebrated, knowing after we celebrated birthday number three you would be starting school. I am thankful for the sweet times we had together and that you were able to spend time home with your daddy and aunt the past three years.

I am so eager to see how school will help you grow. Excitement filled my heart this morning holding your little hand as we walked to your classroom. Your first classroom. You were such a big girl as you put your backpack on your hook and showed your teacher your unicorn lunch box. I told you it was time for me to go home. You ran over to me, gave me the warmest hug and biggest kiss. I lost it in that moment. I didn't want to let you go. But I knew it was time for me to let you start creating memories. Tears were so full in my eyes and my words were so shaking when I said good bye.

"see you after lunch mommy"

I can promise you I will soak up the next two mornings/afternoons when I drop you off and pick you up. I will hang on your every word and probe you with a million questions. It's an honest feeling that I am not ready to return to work on Monday. I'm still in denial. I feel sad I may miss some activities at your school and will miss seeing you off to school every morning. I promise the halloween party I signed up to organize will be spook-tacular! I want you to know I love you everyday. And even though I won't be able to pick you up from school, you are my favorite girl. I want to show you how to work hard. I want to teach you how important your education is.

I love you Rylee Marie. You make me proud to be your momma and I am counting the minutes down till I pick you up at noon and hear all about your first day!!

Love, Momma

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