
Thursday, July 24, 2014

32 Weeks

Summer is flying by! With only two full weeks left till I return to my classroom, I feel the need for nesting hitting me. I started making a list of items for our hospital bags, planning who will have Rylee while we are at the hospital, and yesterday I scrubbed the grout with a magic eraser in the bathroom till my hands cramped.

As I make each list I can't help but think how much our little world is going to rock. Rylee will soon have to share her mother as I open my arms to love our son. This week we also made a huge decision for our family...After the birth of our beautiful boy I will venture into becoming a stay at home mom! Wow thats feels fantastic to say!! I have always wanted to be home with our children. Ryan and I really took our time to make this decision. I promised to give up my target card and amazon prime shopping and he will work off duty events if needed. We are both making great sacrifices for our family but so looking forward to see our two littles grow together.

The past few weeks have been very busy. We celebrated sweet Rylee turning two! I am so taken back how much our lives have changed over two years. Ryan and I rarely discuss plans for a concert to attend or what restaurant is for dinner or what snacks to buy for a harry potter movie lay all day in bed marathon. Now we discuss when the last time Rylee peed on the potty, if we can with stand the smell of her bunnie can last one more night, and if goldfish and mac-n-cheese justify as dinner. I giggle when I hear him sing "let it go" to Rylee from the other room and his rationing to why she can't wear her princess dress to eat lasagna for dinner. It's so fantastic.

How far along: thirty two weeks
Weight gain: 13 lbs
Best moment: celebrating Rylee's birthday!
Movement: ugh there has been so painful movements happening. It almost feels he is making complete flips and using my belly to kick off with his feet for faster spinning. It takes me breath away! Whoo
Craving: a publix sub!
Looking forward to: going back to work for a few weeks, the last step before Jacob joins our family.
Labor signs: none. Braxton hicks are few and rare recently.
Body changes: my belly is definitely stretching and I have proof in the beginning of stretch marks.

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