
Thursday, May 29, 2014

24 weeks

Twenty four weeks
6 months
Sixteen weeks to go....

There has been lots of growth happening this week.  My son must be like his dad already and taking on a home remodel this week. I feel lots of intense movements and my body shifting around. My belly feels very tight at times, to the point it catches me off guard I stop and have to wait a moment to catch my breath.  Strange how this pregnancy is just so so different.

Even though this babe gets documentation onmmy blog, I still feel my time mentally isnt as focused around him as it was while pregnant with Rylee.  At times I feel this sense of guilt for having a second baby. I know I will love them both so deeply and specially. Have I given Rylee enough time as just my daughter and me a mommy to just her? I know she won't remember and I hope in the future she'll be happy she is close in age to her brother {I love how close in age my brother and I are}. I am patiently waiting one more week till I am released from the school gates and free for family time for a few months.  I hope those extra hours home will give me more time to finish his room, look for a sweet gift to give his big sister, and decide a name for this sweet boy.

The photo below really depicts how I see our life at the moment. Our little family gets so busy, sometimes so caught up in our own little projects. Rylee was determined to clear her wagon so I could pull her around. Ryan was tinkering with a blower and cleaning his work space. But just being in the garage together made each little project seem so important. We share so much of our daily lives together through unspoken words. Its the forehead kiss he gives me passing by the house or the giggle she shares as we run through the sprinkler. I look at our life of chaos and imagine how our new little bean will make his imprint.

How far along: twenty four weeks
weight gain: 7 lbs {3 lbs Iin one week, makes sense why I feel stuffed and my face looks swollen. Yipee}
Best moment: Getting two full nights of sleep 
Miss anything: Being able to sleep on my belly. My most favored and comfortable place. I also miss time with my mom. We spent a lot of time together before rylee was born shopping or painting her room. I miss we havent done that as much this time around.
Movement: Tons! big swings of movement across my belly. Ryan is really able to feel our babe more
craving: Spicy foods and chocolate milk and pickles
mood: Happy!
looking forward to: our baby shower and having time to celebrate our boy with loved ones
gender: boy! Still nameless but its a he

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