
Friday, February 13, 2015

A momma's moment

Rylee and I bake at least once a week. Its something I really treasure with her. Nothing fancy. Just box cakes and premade cookie dough. But those sweet moments I have mixing ingredients along side her are ranked in my top favorite.

As I was making her peanut butter and honey sandwich, I asked her where honey comes from..."from Winnie the poohs pot'. Haha!!

As she pulled up her chair to start mixing ingredients she ripped open the box to pull out the bag of mix. She flipped it over and said we need three eggs. I watches her count the eggs!! Seriously proud momma.

Then she fought me that the bowl I use with the mixer is actually a big cup because it has a handle! Say what?!

She started to add more sprinkles (there is never enough sprinkles) and I asked her where sprinkles come from..."target mommy". Child genius!

Her second favorite part is to put the paper cups into the pan followed by her favorite part, taking too many "one" licks from the batter bowl.

These ten minutes made every chaotic moment pause. And really reminded me I'm doing something really right around her!

And she offered to wash dishes! She's in the running for favorite kid of the day!

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