...I'm folding laundry and its so strange to see a pile of princess panties for Rylee.
...I've made three lists this morning for last minute things we'll need before we leave for hospital and packed a bag for Rylee
...I watched Rylee play {destroy her room} and feel glad I am home to be with her today even in the chaos of thrown puzzle pieces and little people
...I talked with Rylee about when I leave for the hospital to have the baby she will stay home. And she told me "I stay home. You bring baby home". Smart little girl
...I've had cramps for the past three days and back pain is starting to set in. Will today be the day? I broke down in tears yesterday. I am just so uncomfortable
...I'll be sending Ryan out to target later to get a list of things along with milk bags (to freeze pumped breast milk) and nipple cream. He'll most likely read every label on the different nipple creams to find the one best for me and baby J
...I'm craving spicy spicy hot wings and french fries. And of course a beer to wash them down
...Rylee just yelled " mommy come here". And as I started waddling towards her she yelled "Leah come here". I find it hilarious she knows my other name and she giggles when she uses it
...I found her wearing a tutu, counting baby J's pacifiers, and dumping globs of lotion on her legs. Ugh
...so many messes fill our home this morning. I tried to tackle one at a time while sitting to rest this tired body
...Ryan is trying to rest after a sleepless night at work. I know he would wake if I asked him to but he needs sleep and I enjoy my quiet time with Rylee
...the other night (after a long day of taking on most of the days responsibility) Ryan looked at me and said " I don't know how you do all you do everyday and be pregnant ". Always feels good to get a compliment from your husband
...I'm having to explain to Rylee why she doesn't need to wear my pumping bra but she insist I let her wear it. And I do
...her and I ate oatmeal and two oreos for breakfast. And they were delicious
...Excited for the last episode of True Blood tonight. Ryan and I have watched the show since season one when we could barely afford HBO in our apartment.
Enjoy your sunday with your family and little ones.
Caleb just started calling me Amy... it is so funny!