Thirty Seven Weeks
We're getting closer and closer to meeting our little Jacob Ryan. I am glad to be moving closer to a full term baby and away from the scary preterm labor zone. Sunday night we made a visit to the hospital thinking my water may have broke. On the drive there I don't think I uttered a word. I sat quietly holding my husbands hand, listening to our favorite Jacks Mannequin songs, and praying the Lord will keep Jacob safe if this is the night we will meet him. We were sent home an hour later and everything was fine. As excited as Ryan is to hold his son and Rylee is to meet her brother, we both know the longer he stays inside the more growth he'll gain. We saw a chart at the hospital about brain growth and reminded there is no rush.
As we left the hospital we joked how we get another normal semi-predictable night of sleep at home. We get one more day with just Rylee. And I get one more day of my boobs not being a leaky milk station.
With all the rest I've been doing at home my body seems to be slowing down the in the labor process. I have not progressed anymore then 3 cm dil from last week. Contractions are infrequent but still lots of cramping. Our midwife scheduled an induction date for Sept 11 (I will be 39 weeks). So in two weeks or less our little man will be here! Ekk!!
How far along: thirty seven weeks
Weight gain: 20 lbs
Best moment: Ryan was just talking with Rylee about how her brother will be here soon. She said "yay" joyfully when he asked if she was ready to meet her brother and hold him. She said "no" sadly when he asked her if she is ready to share mommy. Sweet girl. Her little boat is about to be rocked
Movement: very frequent movements. Lots of painful kicks and pressure to my pelvic bone!
Craving: nothing special this week. Still on board for anything spicy! My sister surprised me a few days ago with bangbang shrimp! She is not only a wonderful aunt but a beautiful sister to me!
Looking forward to: Sept 11
Body changes: I can painfully feel my hips moving and spreading. Yipee. Ryan says my stomach sticks out more
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