
Thursday, August 28, 2014

37 Weeks

Thirty Seven Weeks

We're getting closer and closer to meeting our little Jacob Ryan. I am glad to be moving closer to a full term baby and away from the scary preterm labor zone. Sunday night we made a visit to the hospital thinking my water may have broke. On the drive there I don't think I uttered a word. I sat quietly holding my husbands hand, listening to our favorite Jacks Mannequin songs, and praying the Lord will keep Jacob safe if this is the night we will meet him. We were sent home an hour later and everything was fine. As excited as Ryan is to hold his son and Rylee is to meet her brother,  we both know the longer he stays inside the more growth he'll gain. We saw a chart at the hospital about brain growth and reminded there is no rush.

As we left the hospital we joked how we get another normal semi-predictable night of sleep at home. We get one more day with just Rylee. And I get one more day of my boobs not being a leaky milk station.

With all the rest I've been doing at home my body seems to be slowing down the in the labor process. I have not progressed anymore then 3 cm dil from last week. Contractions are infrequent but still lots of cramping. Our midwife scheduled an induction date for Sept 11 (I will be 39 weeks). So in two weeks or less our little man will be here! Ekk!!

How far along: thirty seven weeks
Weight gain: 20 lbs
Best moment: Ryan was just talking with Rylee about how her brother will be here soon. She said "yay" joyfully when he asked if she was ready to meet her brother and hold him. She said "no" sadly when he asked her if she is ready to share mommy. Sweet girl. Her little boat is about to be rocked
Movement: very frequent movements. Lots of painful kicks and pressure to my pelvic bone!
Craving: nothing special this week. Still on board for anything spicy! My sister surprised  me a few days ago with bangbang shrimp! She is not only a wonderful aunt but a beautiful sister to me!
Looking forward to: Sept 11
Body changes: I can painfully feel my hips moving and spreading. Yipee. Ryan says my stomach sticks out more

Rylee wanted to join in on my early morning photos. The lighting in Jacobs room is so pretty in the morning. And I've had my eye on the beautiful black and white silhouette photo on pinterest.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

in the moment...

...I'm folding laundry and its so strange to see a pile of princess panties for Rylee.

...I've made three lists this morning for last minute things we'll need before we leave for hospital and packed a bag for Rylee

...I watched Rylee play {destroy her room} and feel glad I am home to be with her today even in the chaos of thrown puzzle pieces and little people

...I talked with Rylee about when I leave for the hospital to have the baby she will stay home. And she told me "I stay home. You bring baby home". Smart little girl

...I've had cramps for the past three days and back pain is starting to set in. Will today be the day? I broke down in tears yesterday. I am just so uncomfortable

...I'll be sending Ryan out to target later to get a list of things along with milk bags (to freeze pumped breast milk) and nipple cream. He'll most likely read every label on the different nipple creams to find the one best for me and baby J

...I'm craving spicy spicy hot wings and french fries. And of course a beer to wash them down

...Rylee just yelled " mommy come here". And as I started waddling towards her she yelled "Leah come here". I find it hilarious she knows my other name and she giggles when she uses it

...I found her wearing a tutu, counting baby J's pacifiers, and dumping globs of lotion on her legs. Ugh many messes fill our home this morning. I tried to tackle one at a time while sitting to rest this tired body

...Ryan is trying to rest after a sleepless night at work. I know he would wake if I asked him to but he needs sleep and I enjoy my quiet time with Rylee

...the other night (after a long day of taking on most of the days responsibility) Ryan looked at me and said " I don't know how you do all you do everyday and be pregnant ". Always feels good to get a compliment from your husband

...I'm having to explain to Rylee why she doesn't need to wear my pumping bra but she insist I let her wear it. And I do

...her and I ate oatmeal and two oreos for breakfast. And they were delicious

...Excited for the last episode of True Blood tonight. Ryan and I have watched the show since season one when we could barely afford HBO in our apartment.

Enjoy your sunday with your family and little ones.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

36 Weeks

Thirty Six Weeks

Pregnancy is nearing to an end. Even though I technically have 4 more weeks, baby Jacob is trying really hard to be an August baby. Dr appt yesterday confirmed I am 3 cm dil and in preterm labor. Crazy! My midwife feels safe for me to delivery Jacob if he does arrive earlier but the goal is to keep him in till at least 38 weeks. 

Today was  my first day home on rest. Its tough being home on rest with a toddler plus the urge to continue to nest. I did repack my hospital bag today...twice...and I still feel as though I am missing something. Plus I need extra space in my bag to take home a box of mesh underwear! Oh you don't know what those are, only the best hidden post baby secret. Ever.

Ryan has been super husband and is making sure I am resting. He has taken over grocery and target trips (which are my super favorite trips and sad target and I will not see each other for a while), play time with rylee, and dinners. Lately just sitting on the floor is beyond uncomfortable and painful, which makes play time with her a little difficult.  So we bring toys on our bed to play or I play with her while laying down on the floor. Truly trying my best to give her attention she needs and also giving my body the rest it needs. By the end of the day I am exhausted and have trouble keeping up. Even taking a shower is tiring. Yet sleep provides no rest due to bathroom runs and big belly discomfort. 

So I've entered the last lovely month of pregnancy.  I am so eager to meet our little man. To smell him. Kiss his head. Snuggle him. And see if all this heartburn proves the oldwives tale right to have a baby with a head full of hair.

I am excited to see Rylee love on her brother we are constantly talking about.

I am anxiously awaiting to watch Ryan fall in love all over again.

Rylee seems to be getting excited over the arrival of her brother.  We play in his room often. Change diapers on her dolls and place pacifiers in their mouth as she whispers "shh no crying".

How far along: thirty six weeks
Weight gain: 20 lbs
Best moment: letting Rylee pick out a special present for her brother
Movement: very big movements and intense kicks
Craving: spicy spicy food! and a cider!
Looking forward to: next weeks appt to see if we are making anymore progress towards real labor beginning
Body changes: jacob has dropped so my belly is looking a little lower. Still growing bigger by the day!

Getting ready for late  night feedings with this shirt! 

The sweet duck Rylee picked out for her brother 

Baby belle trying out the new bassinet and swaddle blankets

New chalkboard made from a dollar tree photo frame!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

35 Weeks

Thirty Five Weeks

This week has been a doozy!  Summer vacation is offocially over, the alarm clock is set to 5:45, and I've been wearing clothes that aren't found in the pajama section of my dresser. I've realized I can't push my body to move as quickly or walk the halls at the high school as long as I did just a few months ago.

Last night I was experiencing intense pain in my pelvic area. Since I was induced with Rylee, I am very unsure of going into labor naturally.  I clearly remember what labor feels when contractions are in full swing but the beginning process is new to me. Ryan and I were starting to think we would be meeting our son sooner then we thought. After a frantic call to our midwife and a warm bath, the pain subsided and I found sleep easily for the first time in weeks. Exhaustion from the long day at work has made sleep actually possible.

My mind often wonders to the future with our family growing to four. Our wedding day still stands fresh in my memories and the smell of Rylee as an infant still lingers. The smell of sawdust from fixing up our first home and arguments over placements of bathroom lights will never be a distant memory. We have faced days of sorrow and joy to build our life. To build our family.  I am looking forward to keep building our life and make memories with Jacob by ourside. 

How far along: thirty five weeks
Weight gain: 16 lbs
Best moment: hearing rylee tell an old lady at target she's having a brother
Movement: jacob is keeping up his constant and intense movements.  I feel every movement and my belly takes on many shapes
Craving: all the foods you stay away from during pregnancy
Looking forward to: holding our little boy for the first time
Labor signs: jacob has dropped and sitting very low.

Monday, August 11, 2014

In The Moment...

...I'm eating a bowl of black cherry ice cream

...I wish my husband home to tuck me into bed (what? Is that not normal?)

...watching the movie My Girl and remember growing up wishing I had a cool name like Vada

...As much as I'm ready to meet Jacob and have body parts return to normal, I'm not ready to let go of my pregnancy.  I love feeling his every movement. I'm not ready to bring him into this scary unpredictable world but to keep him safe in my belly.

...I am so in love with Rylee's obsession for "critter books". I absolutely loved the critter family.  Finding the spider and mouse on each page was a personal challenge as a child. Their simple language is a favorite now as a parent. Rylee loves the New Baby book and insist we read it last.

...I am feeling very blessed to have wonderful coworkers give me a baby shower on our first day back to work. Company was sweet, cake was yummy, and gifts were beyond thoughtful! Had a wonderful day with grownup conversations and not having to remind anyone to use the potty

...I asked Rylee if her brother will born in August or September. 
She said "emptemer"
And which day Rylee? "8"
We'll find out if she is a miss cleo or her favorite number to say is 8

...feeling exhausted and theres actually four parts of the pregnancy journey.  Theres the 1st 2nd and 3rd trimester and the  there's the last month. The. Last. Long. Month. Im a week away from the last month and I can feel the symptoms already. No sleep due to huge belly and constant bathroom runs, wardrobe skrinks to maxi dresses and yoga pants that actually never been to a yoga class, and groaning at the idea of having to bend down to put shoes on or pick up toys. (But refer to above thought, I love do pregnancy)

Friday, August 8, 2014

34 Weeks

Thirty four weeks

We had our ultrasound today and my placent has shifted to a better spot and I am good to good for a natural birth! When I was pregnant with Rylee, I was home all summer relaxing and waiting for her to arrive. I hope this little lad makes his grand entrance when Ryan is home and I'm home from work! Ryan has been working hard this past week to finish up Jacob's room. We still need to get a bassinet and a few other items, but we're about ready. I need to pack a few more things in our hospital bags and finish up a little big sister goody bag for Rylee.  Still cant wrap my thoughts around another little entering our life!

How far along: thirty four weeks
Weight gain: 16 lbs
Best moment: seeing our boy on the ultrasound screen! He was moving like crazy, swallowing, and heart beating strong
Movement: still very intense movements and kicks.
Craving: hashbrowns, biscuts and gravy, and apples
Looking forward to: going back to work for a few weeks. Excited to see fellow teachers and students before I trade in the next year for diaper changing and toddler mahem!
Labor signs: jacob has shifted down and is getting into position.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

My Husband

I don't tell him nearly enough how greatful I am for his love. Some days are so busy and I often forget our life is so full because of his dedication to our family.

My husband. My best friend. My love. My biggest supporter.

Ryan if you ever need to be reminded what makes my heart flutter for you, memorize the list below...

I love your handsome looks.
I love how you sing disney songs to our daughter.
I love the inappropriate things you say that make me laugh.
I love the excitement you show when pumpkin beer hits the shelves.
I love your dream of driving a tractor all day to mow fields of our future dream home.
I love your nose snuffled laugh when you think something is really funny.
I love how particular you are about pajama pants and socks.
I love your desire to find the perfect banana bread recipe.
I love the countdown you have till you can take our daughter fishing.
I love how dapper your look in your dress blue shirt (and bunker gear) while at work.
I love the undivided attention you give our daughter the moment you walk in the door from a long 24 hour shift.
I love your recipe of a perfect cup of cuban coffee.
I love how we share a passion for disney world.
I love that you think our wedding was the best ever and one of your favorite nights.
I love your persistence to keep your tools organized and the garage your santuary.
I love how you love me for who I am and given up on making me keep my craft space perfectly organized.
I love how you send me pins from pinterest.
I love your dedication to keeping our lawn looking spectacular.
I love how thrilled you get when our freezer is organized.
I love how you always remind me I'm a good mom when I need to hear it most.

Even though our toughest days, I am glad to have you as my number one fan and father to our daughter and son

Monday, August 4, 2014

Summer with a toddler

Back to work next week!

Summer is just about over and it really went by so quickly. But dont they all!

As I threw my work papers into the air on my last day of work I made a mental list of all the wonderful adventures and memories I planned to make with Rylee. I wrote a color coordinated list of all the library story times, open pool swim, splash pad times, etc. I cant say I did them all, or even half of them,  but id say our summer was another success. We celebrated Rylee turning two and Ryan and I turning 28 all in the month of july. We went a little wild and had one last disney trip in the heat of summer before our annual passes expired (dont worry, they'll be renewed in October when the weather is pleasant and I'm not toting around a big belly).

I learned much this summer on being a parent.  I was reminded how hard this job really is and powering through those dark dreadful days make those sweet moments so purely wonderful. My daughter taught me I do have one last bit of patience when I think I'm about to burst. She taught me watching little mermaid gives me 80 minutes to snuggle with her or 80 minutes to clean up breakfast, shower, dress, fold laundry, and pick up the house (days depending, but I did both with her). She taught me its ok to leave the house unshowered to grab milk when cereal is preferred vs the normal pancakes. Its ok if we eat leftovers from lunch for dinner because I lost track of time and didnt make dinner. She taught eating 3 popscicles while playing outside in the terrible heat is preferred. She told me I looked pretty when I rolled out of bed to grab her from her crib and reminded me she sees me so much deeper then a mirror can reflect.

This summer was filled with perfect days and terrible-two days. She's seen me frustrated and proud, happy and tired, stern and loving. Yet, even though my worst moments of trying my best to be a parent, she still found it in her heart to keep loving me and find the beauty in my morning mess. Pretty awesome move on her part.

Her and I took on potty training this summer and her success still shocks me! I painfully admit my mother was right, she was ready for the potty. Within three days she was able to not only use the potty when I sat her on it but yell "I poopoo" while playing and put herself on the potty. It still cracks me up to see her little body sitting on our toilet ready minnie mouse books. I took her on a dinner date once a week. The managers at tijuana flats and chick-fil-a probably have Ryans shift schedule memorized by now due to our frequent visits. We spent hours outside playing in the spinkler and floating in her kiddie pool. We spent hours making pretend cookies and filling up tea cups with pretend tea in her little kitchen.

I was also reminded of the need and importance of date nights with Ryan and girl time with friends. Date nights have saved me from crazy terrible two days and also reminded me I am a wife still. It gave me a reason to pick out something other then pajama pants to wear and order a meal I dont have to share with a toddler. We had time to hold each others hands while walking into a restaurant and have a conversation. People say not to talk about your kids on date nights, well we do. And often times thats our only quiet, non exhausted time to share things with each other about our daughter. As much as Ryan is involved as a dad, his firefighter schedule causes him to miss a lot, and he craves to know details about visits to the zoo and bed time books. On date nights we sometimes just drive around. Drive through fancy neighborhoods and add more plans to our dream home. Drive around and listen to am radio shows instead of disney princess music that usually takes over the car. We laugh at inappropriate adult topics and slip up on language we try hard not to use with little ears around. We just enjoyed each other's company. 

Summer also made pregnancy pass by quickly. In a little over a month we'll have a baby boy joining our beautiful chaos. I cant wait to hold him in my arms and smell his sweet baby aroma. Last night Ryan and I were talking about how much our house is going to change when Jacob arrives. How much our hearts will grow with our son to love. We pray the decision we made for me to stay home for the next year is best and we will survive the change.

I have enjoyed summer with my little family. Looking forward to seeing co-workers on monday and waiting out the arrival of Jacob!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

33 Weeks

Only seven weeks left of my pregnancy. Ryan and I plan for this to be our last bundle of joy. We talked about always having two kids. As I creep closer to the last month of pregnancy,  it feels bitter sweet. Im looking forward to wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes and eating a publix sub. But I will miss the feeling of a baby growing inside. I do feel very blessed to be able to carry another child and will miss the pregnancy feeling. I enjoy being pregnant!  There are a few parts that aren't so fun but I do love pregnancy. 

The past week has been so very busy {which explains my tardiness of my post}.  We we working on finishing up the baby's room, packing hospital bags, and anything else I can think of. I go back to work in one week and trying my best to get all my ducks in a row.

How far along: thirty three weeks
Weight gain: 14 lbs
Best moment: hearing a strong heart beat at the dr last week
Movement: this boy is constantly moving. His favorite time for major shifting is when I'm just about asleep. His movements can be painful sometimes. I don't remember rylee being so rough on my poor belly.
Craving: a woodchuck cider
Looking forward to: my ultrsound on friday. At my 20 week ultrasound they discovered my placenta wasnt sitting as high as it needed to be. We'll know after the ultrasound if ill be having a normal delivery or if c-section is the best option.
Labor signs: none
Body changes: just a belly that is really growing fast.

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