On days I am home, I have a little morning activity for rylee. It must be the teacher in me to have a morning activity but they are so easy and fun. And they aren't preplanned, just a random activity for her to get her brain and little fingers moving.
Most mornings I use stickers, puzzles, matching socks, nesting bowls, straws she can string Cheerios on, the list is endless.
Today I brought out Easter eggs. We bought them yesterday and she kept calling them balls plus saw me trying to put them away today and insisted she explore them.
I three some on the flow and let her self explore how they open. She loved it! On her own she figured out how to put them back together. Just in that 25 minutes we played with the eggs we talked about:
Asking for helping vs whining
The word egg
Matching colors
Open and close
Body awareness (the egg is on your head)
And now she's off pulling all the diapers from her basket! At least for those few moments she sat and focused on something other then destroying everything in her path, or maybe she was just scheming a plan the entire time. Hmm.
And Some Mornings Daddy Jumps In On The fun
What a cut idea! I still need to pull our Easter decorations out.