
Thursday, July 24, 2014

32 Weeks

Summer is flying by! With only two full weeks left till I return to my classroom, I feel the need for nesting hitting me. I started making a list of items for our hospital bags, planning who will have Rylee while we are at the hospital, and yesterday I scrubbed the grout with a magic eraser in the bathroom till my hands cramped.

As I make each list I can't help but think how much our little world is going to rock. Rylee will soon have to share her mother as I open my arms to love our son. This week we also made a huge decision for our family...After the birth of our beautiful boy I will venture into becoming a stay at home mom! Wow thats feels fantastic to say!! I have always wanted to be home with our children. Ryan and I really took our time to make this decision. I promised to give up my target card and amazon prime shopping and he will work off duty events if needed. We are both making great sacrifices for our family but so looking forward to see our two littles grow together.

The past few weeks have been very busy. We celebrated sweet Rylee turning two! I am so taken back how much our lives have changed over two years. Ryan and I rarely discuss plans for a concert to attend or what restaurant is for dinner or what snacks to buy for a harry potter movie lay all day in bed marathon. Now we discuss when the last time Rylee peed on the potty, if we can with stand the smell of her bunnie can last one more night, and if goldfish and mac-n-cheese justify as dinner. I giggle when I hear him sing "let it go" to Rylee from the other room and his rationing to why she can't wear her princess dress to eat lasagna for dinner. It's so fantastic.

How far along: thirty two weeks
Weight gain: 13 lbs
Best moment: celebrating Rylee's birthday!
Movement: ugh there has been so painful movements happening. It almost feels he is making complete flips and using my belly to kick off with his feet for faster spinning. It takes me breath away! Whoo
Craving: a publix sub!
Looking forward to: going back to work for a few weeks, the last step before Jacob joins our family.
Labor signs: none. Braxton hicks are few and rare recently.
Body changes: my belly is definitely stretching and I have proof in the beginning of stretch marks.

Monday, July 14, 2014

30 weeks plus a few

Whoops a few days behind....
Thirty weeks and four days.

This past week of pregnancy has been busy!! Braxton hicks have given me a break and sleep insomnia has taken its spot. Grrr!

I took on the adventure of potty training Rylee and I'm completely surprised how well she did! The first few days were a mess. I was starting to doubt if she was actually ready and if I was actually ready! Her and I pushed through, and a week later she is a rock star on the potty! No accidents in the last three days and she has even used the potty in public! Im so surprised how much she has grown.

My in-laws bought us a crib for Jacob so we are in no rush to transition her to a toddler bed. Whew! She loves her crib. She sleeps sound in her crib. She doesn't try to escape from her crib. I love the little sleep I get at night.  So we'll wait for that transition when I'm home on maternity leave. 

We celebrated our little bean turning two! {Post to follow}

I've been talking a lot with Rylee about the arrival of our new baby. Doing my best to give her some kind of heads up to the chaos.  We practiced changing diapers and placing her baby in Jacob's crib. Its hilarious when she rocks ths baby and whispers "shhh no crying baby"!

How far along: 30 weeks 4 days
Weight gain: 11 lbs. But really it feels more then that. Weight is shifting around to unfavored places
Best moment: hearing Rylee tell people she is having a "buther"
Movement: this littls boy moves and pushes so much, as though he doesnt have enough room!
Craving: sweet red wine and a cheese burger with salty fries
Looking forward to: holding Jacob in my arms
Labor signs: braxton hicks have slowed down this week!

Happy Birthday Rylee

happy second birthday my sweet little girl

Two years ago today, your father and I were in the hospital waiting oh so patiently for you to arrive. We were so excited to become a family and knew you would bring a special happiness to our world. The moment I first held you I knew we were on a grand adventure neither your father or I could imagine. I held you tightly and promised to keep you safe and make your days full of joy. You made me a mother. Your mother. Each year on your birthday I will remember this gift you gave me. 

You turn two today.

I look at you in awe of how fast time has been. The memory of the first morning in the hospital is so fresh in my mind. The sun was just rising, your father was still asleep, and I took way too long to change you into a sleep gown I packed weeks before fearing I would accidently pinch your pretty skin. Today I dressed you in princess underwear,  a shirt you insisted to wear, and brush your wild bed head.  I rushed you out to the kitchen to see the flowers and banners I placed just so for your special day. Alone in the kitchen, I sing you a happy birthday remix (when you become a mom, you can sing a song instantly about anything) and we dance. You pull out daddy's chair to stand on and smell the flowers. My sweet girl is two.

You turn two today.

The past two years have been full of so many challenges. I never knew I could change a diaper in the dark while silently praying you would stay asleep. Nor did I know I could become a master at pumping while rocking you back to sleep after a 3am feeding. Or how easy and tough the days can be when its just me and you when daddy is on shift. Most of my favorite days are spent with just you and me. {Granted some days I think about trading you to the ups guy delivering an amazon order when I'm hiding in the bathroom so I can just sit by myself for a minute}. Your daddy's schedule provides us so much time just us girls.  Im so thankful for those special moments. Our chick-fil-a dinner dates (because I forgot to make dinner) or picnics at the park (because its a break from the toy terrorized house). The hours we spend dancing in your room and the moments I watch you sleep with your bunnie snuggled close. As much craziness you bring to the table, you are always there to remind me how important my unconditional love is to your growing heart.

You turn two today.

At the end of a long day filled with presents and cake, I feel exhausted and little contractions start to flutter my belly. I bend down in the shower to wash your feet and you say "mama hug?". You reach your little arms around my back and say "uh you" {love you} and kiss my nose. I wonder in that moment if you could sense my pure exhaustion and just knew I needed something from you to remind me I'm doing a good job as your mother. To give me something that reminds me the long days are just as important to you as they are for me.

You turn two today.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

29 Weeks

Twent Nine weeks

With eleven weeks left and most likely sooner then that, I don't feel ready! We still have a mommy-to-do-list:

1. A crib (either transition rylee to big girl bed or buy a new crib?)
2. Double stroller (I always wanted the city jogger double but leaning more towards thd bob double jogger)
3. Before going back to work next month pack hospital bags
4. Prepare our home for post labor mommy- comfy pants, buy those abnormally large female products, stack of take out menus
5. Increase our stock pile of diapers

....and it continues. Since I will be returning to work Aug 11th when school starts I would like to have everything done because Ryan and I both feel this baby wont be staying in till my due date.

Last week through the weekend I continued to have intense braxton hicks. Exhaustion and dehydration was getting the best of me. My midwife ruled out early labor via testing so all is well. I just need to take it easy. Which I have. Ive been accepting more help and taking breaks from Rylee when they are available.  And that is a personal feat. It has taken me a long time to realize I need to let her go and play without me to save a little sanity. 

how far along: twenty nine weeks
weight gain: 10 lbs. The weight is starting to build on now. I can feel my belly growing and this babe pushing to make room. I noticed last night my stretch marks from Rylee are starting to get ready to strech even more. Grrr.
best moment: enjoying a few dates away from home with Ryan. A teething toddler makes the days long and the desire for attention from my husband even stronger.
miss anything: being able to sleep in comfort
movement: Jacob continues to push and stretch inside me and is making his movements visible through my shirt
craving: pumpkin beer! 
looking forward to: labor and delivery. Excited for his arrival
labor signs: braxton hicks are slowed down their intensity and frequency. No signs yet
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